AIRKEY di Evva. L'app AirKey e le esclusive carte KeyCredit EVVA rendono questo sistema di tapkey DOM serratura elettronica digitale smartphone. ___.


Features: Your smartphone is the key!! A secured Smart cylinder Lock. Authenticates, with your smartphone (authorization right) Introducing the EVVA AIRKEY Cylinder Lock from Austria. Unlocks your door securely using your phone. EUROPEAN PROFILE LOCKSET Secured with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128 bit Good SMART

AirKey-appen för registrering i ett system. Närmare information om alternativet ”Skapa smarttelefon och registrera med ”Send a Key” hittar du i vår AirKey-systemhandbok i kapitel 4.9.1 Funktion ”Send a Key”. Är AirKey-appen redan förinstallerad genomförs registreringen automatiskt via länken. Är AirKey … The AirKey app complements AirKey online administration, managing authorisations to allow specific smartphones to be used as a digital key. It also allows the use of smartphones as coding stations to update AirKey locking components and identification media.

Evva airkey vs dom tapkey

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Functions: Open doors with your smartphone. Create and send access authorisation… Programiranje DOM NFC privjesaka uz pametni telefon NFC Adroid 4.4. Korištenje TAPKEY aplikacije u 3 koraka:. Skinuti aplikaciju s Google Play Store. Aktivirati aplikaciju s Google ID (gmail) ili Tapkey ID. Povezati pametni mobitel i elektronski cilindar.

EVVA is a Silver Partner of Solar Decathlon. The project team opted for the innovative AirKey locking system. AirKey turns smartphones and identification media into keys. The system is just as dynamic as customers’ needs and consequently, it ideally suits the your+ project.

Om gebruik te maken van de DOM Tapkey cilinder met uw app, moet uw smartphone over NFC beschikken. Klik hier om te kijken of uw smartphone compatibel is AirKey is the next evolution of locking systems, transforming your smartphone into the key to your home. With the AirKey online app, you can grant keys to family members or flatmates, manage access to your property and even remotely send temporary keys to contractors and visitors. With AirKey, you never have to worry about losing your key again.

Evva airkey vs dom tapkey

Systém AirKey – tak dynamický, jako potřeby zákazníků. Systém AirKey je další inovací v nabídce společnosti EVVA. Tento elektronický uzamykací systém, který byl vyvinut v Rakousku, kde je i vyráběn, poskytuje především podnikům s odlehlými pracovišti přesně takové flexibilní řešení, jaké nepřetržitě vyžaduje každodenní provoz.

Evva airkey vs dom tapkey

Download EVVA AirKey and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about EVVA AirKey. Download EVVA AirKey and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. DOM Tapkey Transponder Programmable transponder key excellent choice for those people who prefer the more traditional way of access. Needless to say, the admin user programs the DOM Tapkey transponder via its mobile devices within seconds.

Evva airkey vs dom tapkey

Naast uw smartphone kunt u de DOM Tapkey cilinder ook openen door middel van tags, die u in de opties kunt selecteren. Om gebruik te maken van de DOM Tapkey cilinder met uw app, moet uw smartphone over NFC beschikken. Klik hier om te kijken of uw smartphone compatibel is AirKey is the next evolution of locking systems, transforming your smartphone into the key to your home. With the AirKey online app, you can grant keys to family members or flatmates, manage access to your property and even remotely send temporary keys to contractors and visitors. With AirKey, you never have to worry about losing your key again. AirKey meets the EU General Data Protection Regulations Together with a data protection expert, AirKey was developed into the access control system with the best data protection in order to manage our customers' data in accordance with the law. The administrator can also turn off event logging of personal data in the online administration.
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In de onderstaande video wordt de installatie stapsgewijs uitgelegd: Wilt u meer weten over de DOM Tapke Locatie Nederland. Minervum 7068, 4817ZK Breda Tel: 076 - 581 2887 Locatie Nederland. Minervum 7068, 4817ZK Breda Tel: 076 - 581 2887 AirKey-App Die kostenlose AirKey- App ist für iPhone (ab iOS10) und Android 4.3 geeignet.Damit macht sie aus ihrem Smartphone einen oder auch mehrere Schlüssel für verschiedene Anlagen. Zusätzlich können mit der AirKey- App andere Zutrittsmedien wie Karten und Schlüsselanhänger erstellt und aktualisiert werden.

DOM Tapkey EASY MOBILE ACCESS n Benefits of the App n Virtual, smart digital keyring n Easy secure download n Use of highly secure Google ID n Mobile key rights lose their validity after a specified period without updating n High-level security of your online data with the most modern server located in the EU In general, our platform is designed so that users can combine all Tapkey-enabled products and manage them via the Tapkey app.
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The AirKey app complements AirKey online administration, managing authorisations to allow specific smartphones to be used as a digital key. It also allows the use of smartphones as coding stations to update AirKey locking components and identification media. The AirKey cylinder incorporates an integrated secure element for data storage.

The choice is yours. DOM Tapkey Transponder Programmable transponder key excellent choice for those people who prefer the more traditional way of access.

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Your data is protected from decryption between the EVVA high security server and the AirKey cylinder. The use of certified, secure elements – highly secure memory elements that actively encrypt and decrypt – in the cylinders and in identification media makes AirKey the new security benchmark for electronic locking systems.

EUROPEAN PROFILE LOCKSET Secured with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128 bit Good SMART AirKey cylinders can easily be retrofitted in any existing projects without needing to drill additional holes or making structural alterations. The combination makes the difference Thanks to the new combi keys EVVA brings together the world of mechanical and electronic locking systems. EVVA AirKey Zámok AirKey je inovatívnya vysoko bezpečný elektronický uzamykací (prístupový) systém. AirKey využíva technológiu jednu z najbezpečnejších technológii NFC, kde kľúčom môže byť aj váš mobil. Práva k zámku sú posielané prostredníctvom internetovej siete cez zabezpečené počítačové centrum EVVA, ktoré dosahuje najvyššie bezpečnostné štandardy. Elektronická cylindrická vložka EVVA AirKey s jednostranným přístupem . 11 650 K There are several ways in which you can access the EVVA AirKey Cloud API: Manually.

‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about EVVA AirKey. Download EVVA AirKey and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

A secured Smart cylinder Lock. Authenticates, with your smartphone (authorization right) Introducing the EVVA AIRKEY Cylinder Lock from Austria. Unlocks your door securely using your phone. EUROPEAN PROFILE LOCKSET Secured with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128 bit Good SMART Elektronická cylindrická vložka EVVA AirKey s jednostranným přístupem . 11 650 K AirKey är ett mobilt, flexibelt och trendigt system som arbetar helt utan IT-infrastruktur.

Consequently, AirKey offers you maximum freedom and maximum security – professionally or privately. EVVA develops and manufactures mechanical and electronic locking systems as a leading provider in Europe. For its partners and customers EVVA is a reliable contact for any questions relating to security. To activate the API open the AirKey online administration at in your web browser. Go trough the "AirKey registration" process if you haven’t registered yet. Then log in and choose "Settings".