Journal home 2021 Volume 28 Issue 2 Impact of the Polymorphism rs5751876 of the Purinergic Receptor ADORA2A on Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Federica Negro, Monica Verdoia, Matteo Nardin, Harry Suryapranata, Elvin Kedhi, Dariusz Dudek, Giuseppe De Luca, on behalf of the Novara Atherosclerosis Study Group (NAS)



Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.173 ℹ. 2012-08-14 1 day ago Journal of Atherosclerosis Research | Read 700 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Atherosclerosis covers basic and translational, clinical and population research approaches to arterial and vascular biology and disease, as well as their risk factors including: disturbances of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, diabetes and hypertension, thrombosis, and inflammation. In contrast to the current belief that cholesterol reduction with statins decreases atherosclerosis, we present a perspective that statins may be causative in coronary artery calcification and can function as mitochondrial toxins that impair muscle function in the heart and blood vessels through the depletion of coenzyme Q10 and 'heme A', and thereby ATP generation. About. Atherosclerosis has an open access mirror journal Atherosclerosis: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.Atherosclerosis brings together, from all sources, papers concerned with investigation on atherosclerosis, its … Remarkability exclusitivity betweem a parent and a child. 0.24.

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4, 2011, s. 315–327. Atherosclerosis covers basic and translational, clinical and population research approaches to arterial and vascular biology and disease, as well as their risk factors including: disturbances of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, diabetes and hypertension, thrombosis, and inflammation. Atherosclerosis brings together, from all sources, papers concerned with investigation on atherosclerosis, its risk factors and clinical manifestations.Atherosclerosis covers basic and translational, clinical and population research approaches to arterial and vascular biology and disease, as well as their risk factors including: disturbances of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, diabetes and 2.1 Aterosklerosis 2.1.1 Definisi aterosklerosis Aterosklerosis adalah suatu perubahan yang terjadi pada dinding arteri yang ditandai dengan dengan akumulasi lipid ekstra sel, rekrutmen dan akumulasi leukosit, pembentukan sel busa, migrasi dan proliferasi miosit, Jika aterosklerosis terjadi didalam arteri yang menuju ke otak (arteri 2 .2Tekanan darah tinggi -tekanan darah dianggap tinggi jika tetap pada atau di atas 140/90Sistem kardiovaskuler bekerja secara terus-menerus dan pada kebanyakan kasus, secara efisien.

Lay A, Coleman P, Formaz‐Preston A, Ting K, Roediger B, Weninger W, Schwartz M, Vadas M and Gamble J (2019) ARHGAP18: A Flow‐Responsive Gene That Regulates Endothelial Cell Alignment and Protects Against Atherosclerosis, Journal of the American Heart Association, 8:2, Online publication date: 22-Jan-2019.

Aviram M and Fuhrman B. LDL Oxidation by Arterial Wall Macrophag Depends onThe Oxidative Status in The lipoprotein and The Cells : Role of Prooxidation vs Antioxidant. Mol Cell Biochem 1998; 188(1-2):149-159 Epidemiologi Aterosklerosis.

Aterosklerosis jurnal


Aterosklerosis jurnal

4 391 gillar · 19 Atherosclerosis - Journal of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Teknik och  av MK Bandaru · 2019 — Inflammation, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. The. New England journal of medicine.

Aterosklerosis jurnal

Aterosklerosis adalah penyakit akibat respon peradangan pada pembuluh darah (arteri besar dan sedang), bersifat progresif, yang ditandai dengan deposit massa kolagen, kolesterol, produk buangan sel dan kalsium, disertai proliferasi miosit yang Se hela listan på In contrast to the current belief that cholesterol reduction with statins decreases atherosclerosis, we present a perspective that statins may be causative in coronary artery calcification and can function as mitochondrial toxins that impair muscle function in the heart and blood vessels through the … Aterosklerosis dimulai pada saat sel darah putih monosit mengalami perpindahdan dari aliran darah ke dinding arteri dan kemudian mengalami perubahan menjadi sel - sel yang mengumpulkan lemak. Monosit yang terisikan dengan lemak tersebut lama - kelamaan akan terkumpul dan menyebabkan bercak penebalan pada lapisan bagian dalam dinding pembuluh darah (endotel). 2012-08-14 · The news report is based upon an article published in Atherosclerosis – Egg yolk consumption and carotid plaque.
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The official journal of the Society is Atherosclerosis. It is published monthly and is a widely read, widely cited, international publication with an Impact Factor of 3.971. Atherosclerosis brings together from all sources papers concerned with research and investigation on Atherosclerosis brings together from all sources papers concerned with research and investigation on atherosclerosis, its complications, and related diseases, including: lipoprotein metabolism, arterial and vascular biology and disease, thrombosis, inflammation, disorders of lipid transport, diabetes and hypertension as related to atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular risk factors. Inflammatory cytokines in atherosclerosis: current therapeutic approaches Eur. Heart J. (2016) 37(22) doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv759 - read the abstract and download the slide. Cytokine-related therapeutic approaches in atherosclerosis.

Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard copy. Journal home 2021 Volume 28 Issue 2 Impact of the Polymorphism rs5751876 of the Purinergic Receptor ADORA2A on Periprocedural Myocardial Infarction in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Federica Negro, Monica Verdoia, Matteo Nardin, Harry Suryapranata, Elvin Kedhi, Dariusz Dudek, Giuseppe De Luca, on behalf of the Novara Atherosclerosis Study Group (NAS) Atherosclerosis It just got a whole lot easier to keep up with the latest ongoing investigation of and research in atherosclerosis.
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Elevated plasma homocysteine is a risk factor for atherosclerotic disease. In the present study, we have examined whether the oxidative stress due to a low level of vitamin B 6 accelerates the development of homocysteine-induced atherosclerosis in rats. First, the effect of homocysteine thiolactone intake (50mg/kgperd) on vascular integrity, lipid peroxide concentration, endothelial NO

Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.173 ℹ. 2012-08-14 1 day ago Journal of Atherosclerosis Research | Read 700 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

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Aterosklerosis dimulai pada saat sel darah putih monosit mengalami perpindahdan dari aliran darah ke dinding arteri dan kemudian mengalami perubahan menjadi sel - sel yang mengumpulkan lemak. Monosit yang terisikan dengan lemak tersebut lama - kelamaan akan terkumpul dan menyebabkan bercak penebalan pada lapisan bagian dalam dinding pembuluh darah (endotel).

Lund Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group. Lund SLE Research Group Aterosklerosis dan Berbagai Faktor Risikonya Aterosklerosis adalah penyakit akibat respon peradangan pada pembuluh darah (arteri besar dan sedang), bersifat progresif, yang ditandai dengan deposit 2.1 Aterosklerosis 2.1.1 Pengertian Aterosklerosis Aterosklerosis merupakan suatu proses inflamasi sehingga didapatkan pembuluh arteri yang kaku. Hal tersebut secara patofisiologi melibatkan lipid, thrombosis, dinding vaskuler dan sel-sel imun. Umumnya aterosklerosis diawali dengan disfungsi endotel dan inflamasi. Keadaan tersebut Lay A, Coleman P, Formaz‐Preston A, Ting K, Roediger B, Weninger W, Schwartz M, Vadas M and Gamble J (2019) ARHGAP18: A Flow‐Responsive Gene That Regulates Endothelial Cell Alignment and Protects Against Atherosclerosis, Journal of the American Heart Association, 8:2, Online publication date: 22-Jan-2019. What is atherosclerosis?

About the journal. Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis Research; Atherosclerosis brings together, from all sources, papers concerned with investigation on atherosclerosis, its risk factors and clinical manifestations.

A. Kolyviras, E. Manios, G. Georgiopoulos et al.

Atherosclerosis brings together, from all sources, papers concerned with investigation on atherosclerosis, its risk factors and clinical manifestations. Atherosclerosis covers basic and translational, clinical and population research approaches to arterial and vascular biology and disease, as well as their risk factors including: disturbances of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, diabetes and hypertension, thrombosis, and inflammation. Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis Research; Atherosclerosis brings together, from all sources, papers concerned with investigation on atherosclerosis, its risk factors and clinical manifestations. The official journal of the Society is Atherosclerosis. It is published monthly and is a widely read, widely cited, international publication with an Impact Factor of 3.971.